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UConn Brand Standards

One University. One UConn.

Our brand guidelines reflect our proud history and strength as a top public research university. Since 1881, UConn has left its own indelible mark on every student. As communicators, we strive to strengthen our brand further to reflect our excellence in our community and beyond. This vibrant global community inspires the evolution and growth that makes UConn what it is today.

Views of Jonathan the husky dog statue

One University. One UConn.

Our brand guidelines reflect our proud history and strength as a top public research university. Since 1881, UConn has left its own indelible mark on every student. As communicators, we strive to strengthen our brand further to reflect our excellence in our community and beyond. This vibrant global community inspires the evolution and growth that makes UConn what it is today.

Dr. Kwame S. Amankwah, Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery performing a bypass surgery

Wordmarks, promotional items, websites, and environmental applications: learn how to use them to support our brand.

Wordmarks, promotional items, websites, and environmental applications: learn how to use them to support our brand.

UConn product examples
Examples of branded UConn work

Keep the UConn brand strong.